VBOX Pass-By Noise is a test plugin pre-loaded into VBOX Test Suite. The plugin allows for development programs to be completed to the ECE R41 (motorcycle), EPA (motorcycle) and R51/R138 (automobile) standards, prior to Pass-By Noise homologation testing.
The user can enter session-specific information that defines test conditions and vehicle details, including the R41 requirement of kerb mass, power, idle rpm and rated engine rpm. This information is automatically saved to the log file and so only needs to be entered once; it can also be exported for use in another file, saving setup time.
The R138 regulation requires conducting the tests in the forward and reverse direction. When using a VBOX 3i Dual Antenna, the VBOX Test Suite R138 Plug-in can automatically detect the direction of travel of the vehicle and categorise the results for each prescribed test direction and speed.
The video below demontrates a pass-by noise test being carried out using VBOX Test Suite.
Only one operative is required to conduct a full range of tests: microphones placed within the test area output to a VBOX Mini Input Module, which in turn transmits the converted sound readings to the VBOX 3i GNSS data logger mounted on the test vehicle.